Sunday, 11 September 2011

International Business Relies Heavily on Translation Services

Today, international business is more profitable than ever before. Most companies already operate internationally or, at least, plan to enter the world of international business soon. Even if not actively seeking to enter the international market, every company competes in some form or another against other international businesses. Consequently, translation services are more crucial to international business than they've ever been in the past. Because technological advances enable even small companies to compete on the international market, international business relies heavily on translation services for daily operations.

International business-to-business and business-to-customer transactions are the current norm. But many companies never consider the prerequisites needed to engage in international business transactions. International business involves sales, investment, transportation, logistics, and other types of commercial transactions between companies from two or more countries. In order to engage in business with foreign companies, a company must be able to communicate with its potential business partners. The key to these kinds of successful communications is unerringly accurate translation between different languages.

Siemens, for example, a German company, has been doing business with the United States for many years, as have Bosch and Miele, which are known for their appliances. None of these companies would be able to do business in the U.S. without a clear understanding of legal contracts, business agreements, or trading pacts. In such cases, communications between the German and American companies require good translation services. This holds especially true for legally binding contracts because misinterpretations and misunderstandings on this level of international business can be costly for both parties. It’s particularly difficult to translate legal terms and contract terms, so legal translations are essential to accurately understanding binding agreements.

Business transactions invariably require translation services from beginning to the end. Referring back to the previous example, say Bosch has developed a new state-of-the art washing machine that it offers to a U.S. retailer. Bosch sends a detailed description of the new machine to the retailer, including technical specifications. Unless Bosch employs a translation service, the technical data will be indecipherable. Only after translation can the retailer decide whether or not the new model will be a worthy addition to its product line.

Taking this a step further and say that the retailer decides to buy a couple of thousand of the new Bosch machines to distribute among the stores of its retail chain. Purchase price, taxes, discounts, distribution, shipping requirements, warranty terms, and many other details have to be translated and negotiated before either company can agree to a legally binding contract. Legal translations ensure that both parties understand the terms of a contract, so it's important that legal terms are made clear by translation services well versed in the legal terminology of each country. The need for translations extends into other areas of business operations, as well. From public relations to branding and marketing campaigns, translators now are involved in every aspect of business operations. The reason so many companies now employ professional translation services is that translation is now considered an essential business expense. 

Monday, 8 August 2011

China Investing into Africa

Asia has developed in a number of ways in recent years, and within the continent, has received a lot of economic growth and strength. Many Asian countries have gained a nuclear status, and are seen as a potential threat to the  west politically speaking. Asia has become very integrated into global trade and investment inside and outside. India has received a lot of investment in the services sector and China has been dominated by manufacturing to obtain a competitive advantage. FDI has had a significant impact on the success of these Asian countries. In early 1990, Deng Xiaoping's policy of renewed domestic investment in China, opening up of China, foreign direct investment, with an increasing number of wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign companies, but a huge improvement in terms of GDP, which is reinvested for the further development of the country.

As Africa and Asia become increasingly integrated in trade and foreign direct investment, Africa could begin using the criteria of FDI and the management structure of the Asian followers should accept as an example, if Africa is to develop economically in the same way. As Asian countries like India, China and Singapore further develop at this this fast rate, they must consume raw materials and fuel in the country. These internal goods are scarce and require careful economic, environmental and political attention. Of course, if countries are investing in Africa, the economic conditions of the countries want something in return. "Africa is almost 90% of the world's cobalt, 50% gold, platinum 90%, 70% tantalite, 98% chromium, 64% magnesium and 33% for uranium, ( / world_economy / Africa, 2010). There will be an increase in the demand for legal translations and marketing translations.

And 'by multinational companies (MNCs) and foreign direct investment from emerging Asian economies, especially in Africa. It 'important to note that many of these powerful transnational corporations with close ties to their governments, gaining a lot of political support, which in turn would mean that the political objectives of some of what you approve of the multinationals, this is the point Critical is strongly driven by domestic investors from the west ( / news / Africa, 2010). In 1960, China has invested $ 500 million to build a railway linking Tanzania and Zambia, which is known as "Freedom Train". It represents the freedom of people under colonial rule, people had very limited movement. It has created jobs for local people in Africa, and around the track, has encouraged the colonies to build close to the line, which created the development of local economies and the public about the benefits of infrastructure development of the local population.

A diverse workforce in terms of nationality, ethnicity and languages, the demand for translation services in the country.

However, it was also a strategic move by the Chinese. First, it hurt them in a good light compared to dealing with Africa. The railroad and additional infrastructure is developed by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), natural resources law to move efficiently from one place to create a future for the search for efficiency purposes. Developing countries are increasingly importing oil from foreign sources, even more than developed economies, with China as the second largest importer in the world. As with America, China's economy is heavily dependent on oil consumption. The state oil company CNPC in China is the largest investor in foreign direct investment in Sudan, which operates under the name of Petro China and Sinopec. CNPC is present in many different ways under names of membership, giving them the benefits of intra-firm, an overall advantage of the global production and distribution (D, Salvatore, International Economics, pg. 429 ).

They refer to the lines necessary pipeline construction, build and operate refineries, mining logistics and distribution. This vertical integration gives the advantage of China to secure its oil supplies. CNPC also that their financial situation and control over their infrastructure is so well established that restrict competition to enter the market. For local businesses in Sudan, making it very difficult if not impossible to compete with that organization. However, the CNPC statement that they have hired 4,000 employees and more than 7,000 Sudanese local newspaper ( / eng / cnpcworldwide / Africa / Sudan, 2010). They also provide extensive training in the industry, sending the local populations in Darfur to international colleges and universities to acquire new skills and experience. This is positive for the Sudan in the development of its workforce and increase in disposable income, we hope to raise the standard of living. It's clear to see the link between FDI and professional Translation Services.

Ubuntu And Cultural Differences

Ubuntu concept

The concept of Ubuntu comes from the Bantu language, which is the traditional language of southern Africa. The professional Translation of a common used phrase is, "I am what I am because of what we all are." The overall concept of the population values ​​Ubuntu as a community, rather than taking an individualistic approach. The Zulu's  have a saying "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu 'means a person is a person through other persons. The humanist way of life that keeps ethics and morality at the forefront of everything. The main ethical values ​​of Ubuntu has respect for others, helpfulness, community, sharing, caring, trust and altruism. Moral such as compassion, cooperation and communitarianism are very popular and well-being of any society is an overall objective.

"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, do not feel threatened that others are able and good, because he or she has a good self-confidence that comes from knowing that he or she belongs to a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed "(Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 1999).

Although the concept of Ubuntu is an African philosophy and way of life, became more evident with the abolition of apartheid in South Africa. Leaders like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, spoke of using the concept of Ubuntu in a broader context in terms of policies and programs of the general relationships between people and organizations within an integrated system effectively.

"The spirit of Ubuntu, that profound sense that we are human only in African humanity of others - is not parochial phenomenon, but added the global search of a better world in common" (Nelson Mandela, 2000).


It 'important to understand the Ubuntu does not approach, or method of control. And 'deeply rooted in the culture of people living in the region of South Africa. Culture is defined as "the ordered system of meanings and symbols of social interaction takes place" (Geertz, 1973). This definition shows deep among the peoples of a culture and a common understanding of the sense and reason. Culture is defined as "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another" (Hofstede, 1984). This definition suggests that when the person is already programmed, morals, behavior and the interaction between the meanings of that group can not be changed.

In fact, even if the environment changes and the individual to interact with people of different cultures, it is very difficult for individuals to adapt to a new culture, because they are already "programmed" with the norms of their culture.

Misunderstanding cultural management

When examining the differences in cultures and potential problems of misunderstanding and misconceptions that may arise mainly, it is important that common ground is reached, and careful consideration given to cultural norms opposing . This is one reason why more and more companies and people are using translation services.

"Workers in a South African mining company had a conflict with management. When they invited the CEO to issue regulations on the issue, their request was rejected. Instead of leadership responded by sending messages through emissaries and written statements posted on bulletin boards. Frustrated, the employees decided to strike "

This is an example of European leadership in South Africa working with a local workforce, but they failed to take into account local cultural norms and paid the price.

International Marketing And Translation Services

In the world of marketing, many factors account for a company to think about. There are many differences between culture and market environments that are critical to the success of a marketing strategy for global organizations. First, we must consider the external environment that may affect international marketing. There are political agendas that can be monitored, which could affect business in terms of trade barriers such as tariffs and quota systems. Logistics is also an important factor, a country may have a demand for a product, but if the country lacks vital infrastructure for distribution, which can be difficult to distribute effectively in terms of greater and client.

The standardization of technology has helped more than challenge of international marketing. The term "global village" implies that the world has become accustomed to similar tastes and trends, which is something the marketer to consider international. With the advent of professional translation services, even the language barrier between international organizations is not an issue.

The concept of culture is a problem that international marketing must be very aware. Global Marketing is a fine balance between globalization (standardization) and location (differentiation). The delicate balance is called Glocal. The communication Gap between two nations can be overcome with the use of professional translations.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Impulse Buying Within The Fashion Industry

Impulse Buying within the Fashion Industry

For clothing, fashion orientated impulse buying refers to a person’s awareness of perception of fashion ability attributed to an innovative design or style.
Fashion orientated impulse buying occurs when consumers see a new fashion product and buy it because they are motivated by the suggestion to buy new products (Han et al., 1991)

It has been suggested that the most common individual circumstances marketers must focus on when trying to identify their target audience when formulating impulse buying techniques are: -

1. Social Circumstances: Cultural, Sub cultural
2. Social Class: Groups, Family
3. Personal Factors: Age & Life Cycle, Occupation, Economic Circumstances, Lifestyle, Personality & Self Concept. Park E. (2006) p 443

Amongst these personality and self concept has been identified as the most important and relevant.

Academics believe  fashion is an industry, which primarily exists to feed ones self identity. A really simple example of this is a woman would not buy men’s jeans, as she does not want to be seen as a man. This can be supported by different fashion groups, which can be identified in labels such as Goth, Trendy, Sporty, Indie, Urban, etc. Research also shows the need for marketing material to be localised into the language of the shopper which is a branch of Translation Services.

“Many marketers use concept related to personality a persona self concept (Also called self-image). The basic self-concept premise is that people’s possessions contribute to and reflect their identities: that is, ‘We are what we have’. This, in order to understand consumer behaviour, the marketer must understand the relationship between consumer self-concept and possessions” Park E. (2006) p 446

Since fashion can be grouped it has been noted that identifying the shopping groups that purchase particular fashion types is vital to trigger impulse buying. Within that focusing on entertainment, excitement, interest, aesthetic store design and music may be just as important for marketers in triggering buys as well as getting the price exactly right. Weekes T. (2004) p 121

Merchandising within the fashion arena is seen as more important when reflecting sales as any other buying arena there is. First the selection of in season goods is vital but equally as vital is the way in which current merchandise is displayed. Most shoppers go out with a particular style in mind as appose to a particular item. Displaying the items grouped according to style with posters of people who have a particular relevant style to your shoppers with your merchandise on is seen as very successful in improving sales.

“For clothing, fashion-oriented impulse buying refers to a person’s awareness or perception of fissionability attributed to an innovative design or style. That is, fashion-oriented impulse buying occurs when consumers see a new fashion product and buy it because they are motivated by the suggestion to buy new products”, (Han et al., 1991). 

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

FDI in Africa

Africa, a continent abundant with natural recourses, a continent with the second highest population after Asia, a continent so diverse in terms of culture and land, is also a continent with much negativity associated in the eyes of investors. Even so, with the lack of infrastructure and political stability, Africa has always been a large receiver of global foreign direct investment (FDI) which has mainly been in the commodities sector. Why? Other than to state the obvious, I am going to investigate current examples, focusing on the objectives of the investing multinational corporations.

 Traditionally, inward FDI was received from former colonial rulers and the USA as political ties were in place and a lot of African countries were in debt, preventing full independence of choice. Over recent years Africa has started to rectify many issues such as the IMF debts and other debts with the West like the odious debt incurred by South Africa, this has allowed certain countries to develop cities and economies which can compete on a global level. For the first time in history Africa hosted the World Cup, facilitating to thousands of tourists, not only does this show how well the continent has developed over recent years but it also shows the potential Africa has for further development and investment. However, the FDI inflow into Africa is very geographically and sector concentrated. In fact, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Algeria and Chad equate 86% of FDI inflow alone, (, 2010).

Considering Africa is made up of 57 countries, this goes to show that a lot huge amount of Africa is deemed non investable, for now maybe? The investment regimes into Africa have positive effects for the development of local economies on the surface, but when we examine some of the consequences Africa faces, it will become clear that FDI doesn’t always serve the purpose to benefit the African people. FDI from the West, into Africa has declined over recent years, this has been due to many factors but the financial crisis and the fall in commodity prices played a significant role. Henceforth, over recent years the FDI inflow to Africa from developing economies has been growing significantly. With the increase in foreign investment, the world has seen a growing demand for translation services where multiple documents are needed to be translated from business to business.